The reasons why I decided to become a Digital Marketer

Hello there!

In this post, I will be talking about the circumstances and ideas that made me realize I wanted to become a digital marketer.
I will explain why I believe this is a good idea for me and then I will invite you to follow me for further information about digital marketing.

As mentioned in the previous post, COVID-19 is currently happening and affecting our economies, health systems, and personal lives all around the world.

Costa Rica is not an exception, according to Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica (Costa Rica Ministry of health) yesterday April 18th the number of COVID-19 cases was 565 people, 27 of them have recovered and 4 of them died.

According to Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Comercio (Costa Rica Ministry of Economy) many changes have been approved in order to support the economy in Costa Rica. 
The travel industry has been especially affected and the Instituto Costarricense de Turismo has been providing support along with the rest of the government institutions to this sector (hotels, travel agencies, transport companies, service providers and many other companies that are suffering the consequences of COVID-19 in Costa Rica). 

I don't have a Job
In December 2019, I quit Las Catalinas, a property management company located in Flamingo Guanacaste. After visiting the United States for 3 weeks, my idea was to come back to Costa Rica and work in the creation of my own travel company; Link Expeditions Costa Rica.

Link Expeditions
Link Expeditions is an online travel company helping travellers to explore and enjoy nature and wellness in Costa Rica through customized travel services like tailor-made travel itineraries, booking and reservation services, travel advisory and complete travel experiences.

In this entrepreneurial journey, I have been working mostly in the Digital Marketing space due to the nature of the company (online services). The more I learn the more I realize how important is Digital Marketing for my company, and all the companies out there. I have also realized that my knowledge acquired at UCR about Traditional Marketing is not enough for the Digital Marketing era.  Many new marketing channels, dozens of new concepts and hundreds of tools make Digital Marketing a whole new broad field of marketing.

Marketing was the emphasis of my business administration career and I loved it. Now that I have been learning about digital marketing, I really like it too.

With COVID-19 still happening, I can not make any money out of Link Expeditions, and since currently, I have no job (remember I quit Las Catalinas in December 2019), my income dropped down to zero.


These two quotes, the first one by Tony Robbins and the second one by Charles Darwin, are very relevant today. Given the circumstances I just mentioned above, I believe the best thing to do is to reinvent myself. I believe it is time to keep growing and to change as my environment has been changing. I have to adapt and adjust. We all should always adapt and adjust.

My Conclusion
This way of thinking leads me to this conclusion; I have to learn another skill-set but this time in another industry in order to minimize the risk of this type of world emergencies. In other words, diversification; putting eggs in different baskets. 

This new skill-set is better if it somehow helps me build Link Expeditions and even better if it is something that I like doing and learning in order to be perseverant, persistent, consistent and successful at it.

The new skill set that I need is Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing skills can be utilized in different industries, not only travel & tourism companies require it. Digital Marketing will help me grow my company and Digital Marketing is something I really find useful, and I am passionate about it.

Wrapping up

In the next posts, I will provide information regarding my approach to begin learning about Digital Marketing and the concepts, theory, practice and resources I believe are essential as the first steps in the world of Digital Marketing.

If you relate to my situation or if you feel that it is time to adapt and adjust, I invite you to take some time and think about what is the new skill set you should acquire in order to continue to be relevant in today's world market.

If you are curious about Digital Marketing, or perhaps you want to learn about it, definitely stick with me for the upcoming post related to this fascinating and relevant marketing field; Digital Marketing.


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