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Storytelling in Marketing and branding.

Storytelling in Marketing and branding. Hello there! Today you will read about how important storytelling is for marketing and branding. Then, you will learn why storytelling is so effective as well as some neuroscience facts behind it. Next, you will be able to acquire simple and effective techniques for improving your brand and marketing storytelling. Finally, I will provide links to useful resources and examples, where you can learn more about the fascinating world of storytelling as a marketing approach. Table of Contents Why is storytelling so important for marketing and branding? In her Forbes article , Kimberly A. Whitler summarized the importance of storytelling in three points.  First, in a world overloaded with information, storytelling lets marketers engage consumers through a different delivery. Second, stories transmit knowledge and meaning. Third, storytelling enables marketers to develop a deeper connection with the audience because people love stor