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Digital Marketing Plan; Creation and Implementation

Hello there! Today you will learn about what is a marketing plan and the importance of it. Additionally, you will learn the main parts of a marketing plan and how to make your own digital marketing plan. I will wrap up talking about the pros and cons of a marketing plan, and how to make a digital marketing plan that is useful, effective, and practical so your project or company continues to grow. Table of Contents What is a Marketing Plan? A marketing plan is a document to clarify who your potential customers are, how your products satisfy their needs or solve their problems, and the strategies and tactics to reach out and connect with them while building trust and delivering value. Sam Bromley (2019), in his Simply Business article, defines a marketing plan this way; “a document that lets you establish and track your marketing strategy (or strategies) over a period of time. Why is it important to have a Marketing Plan? In my opinion, a marketing plan is not just i