
Showing posts with the label Paid Search

Basics of Search Engine Marketing or Paid Digital Advertising

Hello there! Today, I will be covering the basics of search engine marketing (SEM) or paid digital advertising, as a digital channel. I will provide the best definition for SEM, and I will explain why SEM is important for you and the brand you represent. Additionally, I will be mentioning how and when to use search engine marketing, as well as the most popular tools to access this digital marketing channel. Finally, I will wrap up with my comments about paid advertising in the digital world. Table of Contents What is SEM? According to HubSpot , SEM, or “search engine marketing, is using paid advertising to ensure that your business's products or services are visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user types in a certain keyword, SEM enables your business to appear as a result for that search query”. It is important to keep in mind that if your ad is relevant and the bid is enough, your ad will be shown on the search engine result page (SERP). Not