
Showing posts with the label Content Creation

Landing Page Essentials

Landing Page Essentials Hello there! Today you will learn what are landing pages and why landing pages are important for digital marketing and your business. Then, you will learn when to create a landing page, and some examples of popular platforms to create yours. Finally, I will provide 3 examples of good landing pages. Table of Contents What is a Landing Page? A landing page is a dedicated standalone web page, created with the purpose of facilitating a conversion, by narrowing down the information and links to the absolutely necessary, so the internet user performs the desired action, without getting distracted in the process. Landing pages show up after clicking on a call to action, meaning that they are focused on a particular stream of traffic, and therefore landing pages content and call-to-actions are specifically targeted for those users. Why are Landing Pages Important? As mentioned in the previous definition, landing pages deal with the problem of distrac

The importance of Content Creation in Digital Marketing

Hello there! In this article, I will provide a definition of content in digital marketing. I will mention the types of digital content and will talk about why content is a key component of internet marketing. Additionally, I will share with you some of the most popular digital content creation tools. Finally, I will wrap up commenting about why you should start creating content now. Table of Contents What is digital content? Digital content is any piece of information published on the internet. Digital content is also known as digital media or digital information. Anything that you read, hear, and see-through digital devices such as e-readers, speakers, and smartphones are digital content. Digital media can be created for personal use, or to be shared with restricted groups or, in many cases, with the general public, depending on the creator’s purpose.  Digital content has different properties like the digital channels in which it can be properly consumed, its usage