The importance of Content Creation in Digital Marketing

Hello there!

In this article, I will provide a definition of content in digital marketing. I will mention the

types of digital content and will talk about why content is a key component of internet

marketing. Additionally, I will share with you some of the most popular digital content

creation tools. Finally, I will wrap up commenting about why you should start creating

content now.

Content Creation in Digital Marketing

    What is digital content?

    Digital content is any piece of information published on the internet. Digital content is also known as

    digital media or digital information.

    Anything that you read, hear, and see-through digital devices such as e-readers, speakers, and

    smartphones are digital content. Digital media can be created for personal use, or to be shared

    with restricted groups or, in many cases, with the general public, depending on the creator’s purpose. 

    Digital content has different properties like the digital channels in which it can be properly

    consumed, its usage rights, its purpose, audience size, interactiveness, synchrony, ease of use,

    and many more. 

    Digital media can be displayed, transmitted, or shared in many devices depending on the type of

    content. Some examples of digital content are e-music, digital newspaper, Interactive TV, and games.


    definition of digital content or digital media

    Following I mention the main type of digital content and its formats.

    What are the types of content?

    There are several types of digital media made out of one or more formats. Here is a table that

    illustrates many of the different types of content and their formats:

    Type of Digital Content



    Text, Image+Text, Photo

    Social Media Update

    Text, Image+Text, Photo, Video+Audio






    Video and Audio

    Film (documentary, etc)


    Primary Search

    Text. Tables





    Customer story

    Text, Image+Text, Photo, Audio, Video, Tables, Animation, Graphics

    Live Video Streaming

    Video +Audio

    Why is content key in digital marketing?

    Content is Key in Digital Marketing

    Simply put, content is key in digital marketing because digital content carries information. 

    The goal of digital marketing is reaching out to our target market, as well as increasing the

    probabilities of being found by those target customers. In order to accomplish the goal,

    marketers publish digital media that carry different messages for different niches. These

    messages or content are created with the customer intent, the customer journey, and the

    sales funnel in mind.  Additionally, the type of content to be created will change depending

    on the chosen digital channels. 

    In order to further understand how the ‘shape’ of the message (content-type) is decided,

    let’s review some of the most important concepts.

    What is Customer Intent?

    Reflektion, a US company that is deploying artificial intelligence to analyze customer

    behaviors defines customer intent as “the thoughts directing a customers’ decisions or

    actions toward a particular purchasing event.”

    The idea of understanding the customer intent is to create digital media that is available

    and useful for our target market when needed.

    Referring to customer intent, Google says, “Be there. When your potential customers

    turn to Google and YouTube in their moments of need, make sure you are there”.

    The article continues to say …”Be useful. Once you've ensured you're there to meet

    your customer, you then need to be useful at that moment. Otherwise, they will

    simply move on to another brand. Our research shows 51% of smartphone users have

    purchased from a company/brand other than the one they intended to because the

    information provided was useful”.

    What is Customer Journey and the Sales Funnel?

    According to Mailchimp, “The customer journey tells the story of a prospect encountering

    your business and the steps they take toward conversion, or purchase, and beyond. It’s not

    necessarily a linear journey—not all customers follow the same path from one step to

    another. They may encounter obstacles that delay or prevent them from making a purchase.

    They might also receive marketing content that propels them toward a purchase,

    subscription, brand loyalty, or another end goal for your business”.

    On the other hand, according to Crazy Egg, The sales funnel is each step that someone has

    to take in order to become your customer.

    Contrary to some people’s opinions, the customer journey and the sales funnel are strongly

    related. To explain this point, first see the following image.

    The customer journey and the sales funnel

    In this illustration, the customer journey is the blue line winding downwards. Each yellow

    dot represents one of the 8 steps of the customer journey; aware, engage, subscribe,

    convert, excite, ascend, advocate, and promote.

    The AIDA model is a representation of the 4 levels that make the sales funnel; Attention,

    Interest, Desire, and Action.

    In the image above, every step of the customer journey is aligned with the one or more

    levels of the AIDA sales funnel. For instance, the first step of the customer journey coincides

    with the first AIDA level; awareness. Another example is Excite, which is aligned with both

    awareness and interest, meaning that in order to inspire our customers on board, it is

    necessary to create content that makes customers both aware and interested in using

    the product previously transacted in step 4 (the conversion).

    The main idea here is that content is created to meet a specific customer’s intent.

    The content must be created to be available and useful at different steps of the customer’s

    journey. The type of digital content depends heavily on the digital channel to be used, and

    the message that the content carries should be conceived with the AIDA sales funnel in mind.

    So, what are digital channels?

    In a previous post, I mentioned a couple of good definitions, including the one provided by

    the official Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM); "The methods used by a company to

    communicate and interact with its customers". For more information about digital channels

    read “Digital Marketing Channels”.

    How to create content?

    Content creation in Digital Marketing -How to?

    If you are the person in charge of creating content, you will probably have to create digital

    media in many types to satisfy the customer’s intent. The content will be delivered through

    multiple digital channels for personas at different steps of the customer journey and

    different levels of the sales funnel.

    Before creating content you must understand what the customer intent is. Then, think of

    creating useful content (usually content that inspires, entertains, or educates) that can

    be available when the persona (prospect, lead, or customer) is searching for it.

    Keep in mind that the piece of content must be suitable for the digital channel chosen. 

    Additionally, It is important that the content you create is high quality and consistent.

    A recommended good practice is to make a work-frame for the content creation flow and

    the dates and times that this content must be published or uploaded.

    Digital Content Creation Tools

    There are many options available for content creation, from free to paid software to online

    or downloadable apps, and much more.

    There is no one size fits all option, and the tool you choose should be based on your technical

    knowledge, budget, system requirements, and content type.

    I have favorite tools depending on the format I will be working on (text, image+text, photo,

    illustration, audio, video, VR, AR, tables, gifs, boomerang, graphs, etc)

    What are some of the most popular tools for content creation?

    I personally like adobe suite software, online tools like Canva, pixlr-x, and computer programs like GIMP, DaVinci Resolve, and several others.

    Here are two lists of digital media creation tools for you to choose from. The first one is “51 Best Free Visual Content Creation Tools To Make Marketing Easy” by Optin Monster. The second list is “The Ultimate List of Free Content Creation Tools & Resources” by HubSpot.

    Wrapping up

    Wrapping Up Content Creation in Digital Marketing

    Now that you understand the importance of content creation, I urge you to start creating digital

    media following the steps mentioned in this article.

    Asking a cold prospect to purchase your products without them knowing and trusting your brand, is

    like proposing marriage to someone on a first date: the success rate is low.

    For your target market to become aware and interested you have to create content that serves this

    purpose. Then, in order to have your prospects making decisions and taking actions that are

    favorable for your business you, again, have to create content.

    With the amount of easily available content creation tools and a wide variety of digital channels,

    creating content is not enough. Your content must be useful, high quality, and consistent with your

    brand and schedules.

    Digital content is present where the internet or electronic devices are being used. Possibilities are

    unlimited. Be creative.

    If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please, let me know down below. Every opinion

    on how to improve the content of this blog will allow me to make adjustments on the go, with

    the objective of providing quality information for you, my dear readers.


    If you would like to read my previous post about

    “What are Metrics, KPI, and ROI in Digital Marketing?” click here.


    Alberto Salas


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